The potential of fungi is widely underestimated – as uncontrollable collaborators, they provide highly developed structures and thus open up practical and theoretical spaces for new conceptions. In fungal biotechnology, they have become research objects for sustainable building materials and at the same time help shape artistic experiments. What is the significance of fungi as a source of ideas for a sustainable and at the same time innovative future? And what perspectives do artistic impulses offer on scientific questions?
A conversation on the multifaceted significance of fungi, in which experts from art, architecture, biodiversity and science meet.
KfW Stiftung collaborates with the initiative tinyBE. living in a sculpture and contributes in cooperation with Akademie Schloss Solitude to the programme with the conception of a tinyMONDAY. Within this framework, observations from the discursive programme of Mutations will be further developed.
Under the title "Mutations in Urban Development: Fungi as a Societal Agents and Generators of Ideas", Maxwell Mutanda (designer, scientist and artist/Zimbabwe, and fellow of the Mutations residency) will discuss with Prof. Dr. Vera Meyer (biotechnologist and artist, TU Berlin) and Prof. Sven Pfeiffer (architect and designer, HS Bochum) from MY-CO-X.